WISEST Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Toolkit
University of Alberta

Women and gender minorities have long been underrepresented in the STEM fields and many studies
have shown that biases, both conscious and unconscious, as well as internal and external forces account
for their premature departure from STEM. A study done by Dasgupta in 2017 states “In childhood and
adolescence, masculine stereotypes about STEM, parents’ expectations of daughters, peer norms,
and lack of fit with personal goals makes girls move away from STEM fields.”
WISEST (Women in Scholarship, Engineering, Science and Technology) exists to promote equity, diversity
and inclusion for women and gender minorities in STEM fields. As student populations become more and
more diverse, WISEST, along with educators, teachers and parents, can work to empower young women
and gender minorities by reducing barriers to equity, diversity and inclusivity in STEM fields.
We want this toolkit to:
1. Support teachers, educators and parents in their awareness and education about EDI issues in and
out of the classroom as it relates to STEM.
2. Provide tangible strategies, activities and ideas for promoting EDI in and out of the classroom.
3. Further the work of ensuring that girls and gender minorities know that STEM is something they can
not only pursue, but also succeed in.
SEEK Commentary