Equity and inclusion Toolkit

This toolkit has been developed to assist Member Organizations and
the CFNU to implement procedures and governance structures that will
facilitate the inclusion and participation of equity-seeking groups.
Labour unions have historically assisted workers in obtaining fair
wages, safe workplaces, improved work-life balance and more. Over
time, this representation has developed to also provide representation
to marginalized groups within unions. Equity is a union issue, and this
recognition is the first step to ensuring inclusion. The engagement of
workers based on race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexuality, ability and
Indigeneity is integral to the long-term vigour of the Canadian labour
This toolkit will allow you to assess current structures and/or practices that
facilitate inclusion of equity-seeking groups, thus determining any gaps
that exist or improvements that can be made. Workshop templates have
been developed that can be delivered to your members. These workshops
will allow members to gain a better understanding of what it means to be
inclusive and also provide a safe space for equity-seeking groups to speak
freely about their experiences. Providing this space will allow allies to
gain a better understanding of experiences, that will facilitate more holistic
representation at all levels of your Member Organization.
This toolkit will assist your leadership in making equity a priority issue and
ensure that every strategy and action is implemented with equity at the
SEEK Commentary