SEEK Resource Library
Welcome to the SEEK resource library! This library was a dream for SPECTRUM from the very start and we are excited to see it moving forward. This library serves two purposes.
To collect resources related to Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility into one area for our partners. These toolkits, videos, and other media provide guidance on how to build meaningful relationships and do research and community engagement in a good way.
To increase access of our community partners to academic materials that have been historically gatekept by academic institutions. Academics have been the creators and keepers of knowledge, an injustice that SPECTRUM works to correct.
If you have any suggestions for resources you would like to see in this library, please send an email to spectrum@umanitoba.ca
Indigenous Data Sovereignty
While our SEEK Library has many wonderful resources, the SEEK team feels that it is worthwhile separating out and giving space for documents and resources related to Indigenous data sovereignty.
OCAP® is a crucial foundation to Indigenous data sovereignty. This website by the First Nations Information Governance Centre provides a thorough background to First Nations governance of data and also provides training that is required for all researchers who use First Nations data. We additionally recommend this training for all researchers who use child welfare data, justice data, as well as many health data that have a disproportionate representation of First Nations peoples' data.
This document includes a table summarizing the research frameworks for Indigenous Data use in Canada